Abandoned Pinkerton House-8 by DEE POTTER
DEE POTTER's Gallery DEE POTTER's Gallery
  1. DEE POTTER's Gallery
  2. Abandoned SeriesAbandoned Series
  3. Abandoned Pinkerton House-8Abandoned Pinkerton House-8

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Item information:

Lost in Time Winter Homestead Hill (Upon a hill there stands a house. No doors, no furniture, no windows to stop the wind. A shell of a shed once a farmer's family homestead, and now in the dead of Canadian winter, lost in time.)
Lost in Time Winter Homestead (A field of tall wheat buried in two feet of snow, and a long-forgotten homestead time forgot, while the elements of nature slowly reclaim for the soil from which it was made.)
Abandoned Pinkerton House-8 (Scenic treasures of history pepper the backroads of Central Ontario. Driving the main freeway fron Toronto to Barrie, I caught a glimpse in the distance of this abandoned woodshed-looking structure on the way north somewhere near Pinkerton, Ontario, so I made it a mission to find this place travelling the sideroads on my way back home. After many wrong turns and a hike through wilderness unknown, I was thrilled to finally come upon this long-forgotten homestead. Likely one of many family homes left behind by the development of the 6-lane highway that now runs through this beautiful and peaceful landscape.)
Abandoned Pinkerton House (Scenic treasures of history pepper the backroads of Central Ontario. Driving the main freeway fron Toronto to Barrie, I caught a glimpse in the distance of this abandoned woodshed-looking structure on the way north somewhere near Pinkerton, Ontario, so I made it a mission to find this place travelling the sideroads on my way back home. After many wrong turns and a hike through wilderness unknown, I was thrilled to finally come upon this long-forgotten homestead. Likely one of many family homes left behind by the development of the 6-lane highway that now runs through this beautiful and peaceful landscape.)
Abandoned Pinkerton House-2 (Scenic treasures of history pepper the backroads of Central Ontario. Driving the main freeway fron Toronto to Barrie, I caught a glimpse in the distance of this abandoned woodshed-looking structure on the way north somewhere near Pinkerton, Ontario, so I made it a mission to find this place travelling the sideroads on my way back home. After many wrong turns and a hike through wilderness unknown, I was thrilled to finally come upon this long-forgotten homestead. Likely one of many family homes left behind by the development of the 6-lane highway that now runs through this beautiful and peaceful landscape.)
Abandoned Pinkerton House-5 (Scenic treasures of history pepper the backroads of Central Ontario. Driving the main freeway fron Toronto to Barrie, I caught a glimpse in the distance of this abandoned woodshed-looking structure on the way north somewhere near Pinkerton, Ontario, so I made it a mission to find this place travelling the sideroads on my way back home. After many wrong turns and a hike through wilderness unknown, I was thrilled to finally come upon this long-forgotten homestead. Likely one of many family homes left behind by the development of the 6-lane highway that now runs through this beautiful and peaceful landscape.)
Abandoned Pinkerton House-6 (Scenic treasures of history pepper the backroads of Central Ontario. Driving the main freeway fron Toronto to Barrie, I caught a glimpse in the distance of this abandoned woodshed-looking structure on the way north somewhere near Pinkerton, Ontario, so I made it a mission to find this place travelling the sideroads on my way back home. After many wrong turns and a hike through wilderness unknown, I was thrilled to finally come upon this long-forgotten homestead. Likely one of many family homes left behind by the development of the 6-lane highway that now runs through this beautiful and peaceful landscape.)

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